
Would you like to have a permanent hair style?

Sounds interesting right! We do have the chance to change the style of our hair... If you want to have a permanent curly hair, you can simply go to the salon and perm it… It usually takes a few hours to curl your hair as it depends on the salon and the particular solution to your hair… this chemical treatment can easily be applied to strong and healthy hair… if you want to do this treatment at home, you prep the treatment then set the solution and then dry it…but I advise you to make any changes with hair style in a salon for more protection…You can also apply a body wave to straighten up your hair! but it might be a bit tiring as it takes about 5 to 10 hours in max to come up with the new look…

My advice to you is that, you should take care of your hair after the treatment; should not wash it for two or three days in max and should follow the instruction of the experts and come for a treatment every 4 to 6 weeks, you should also apply a particular shampoo, conditioner and cream, should not expose your hair to the sun as much as you can, and you should take care of your health and diet…when I got into a university four years ago, I had straightened my hair and I really like it so much, you know we always want to look especial and we want the eyes to be on us! So, I had done that change but, I didn’t follow up with the instructions! I continued to apply different varieties of products and I didn’t go for another treatment at all! So, my hair becomes curly in front and straight at the end! I swear I don’t like it but I got no choice and now I’m trying to repair it myself… therefore, I don’t want you to face the same troublesome, and you should follow the instructions no matter how buy you might be…besides, you got nothing to loose as you the hair dresser applies the treatment, you can save the time by flipping the pages of any hair style magazine to come up with a new look, or you can even use your laptop if you have an urgent work to do that cannot be delayed!