
Tips for teeth whitening and teeth protection

1. For teeth whitening, you need to keep on brushing your teeth regularly after every meal to get teeth whitening as well as teeth protection…

2. Try to avoid drinking too much caffeine as researchers have resulted that, drinking coffee, tea, and red wine would definitely help very much in yellowing the teeth which is against teeth whitening! So, to get teeth protection; experts advise to use straws for drinking caffeine, wine, etc and then whiten your teeth using a particular a fluoride toothpaste to get teeth whitening as well teeth protection…
3. Another way for teeth whitening can be gotten in rubbing your teeth with raw strawberry as it has an enzyme helps in whitening the teeth and strawberry is very good for teeth protection…

4. For more teeth whitening, you can use baking soda to get teeth whitening; mix two or three spoons of baking soda with water and stir the ingredients, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth…

5. some believes that lemon can be a great helper for teeth whitening… squeezing a lemon or you can use lemon juice with a teaspoon of then, stir the ingredients, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth and rinse thoroughly…

6. You can also use hydrogen peroxide to brush your teeth as you would do with toothpaste to get teeth whitening that lasts forever…

7. For extra teeth whitening as well teeth protection, you should always get back to the dentist if you have any doubts or concerns, and try to visit the dentist twice or trice a year for a check up…