
Teeth protection

In order to have teeth protection; you have to give your teeth much care to shower your life with a beautiful smile. To get teeth protection; the following instructions well be helpful:

1. We should get used to brush our teeth after every meal to achieve teeth protection…

2. change the toothbrush regularly… some experts advise us to change it every 3 to 4 months, and some suggest the changes twice a year and so on to get teeth protection… personally, I recommend the change of the toothbrush when you recognize a sudden change in the color of the brush… such change signifies that, the bacteria is started to grow on your toothbrush…

3. Try to buy toothpaste that has a fluoride to protect your teeth from having tooth decay…

4. Try to make visiting the dentist as a habit for check-up regularly and for more teeth protection…

sensitive teeth

Well, it is really important to know how you should deal with sensitive teeth, as there are number of treatments for sensitive teeth that should be taken under consideration…

1. Before applying anything, you should consult the dentist for sensitive teeth as he or she would definitely describe the best medicine for the treatment of sensitive teeth that should be used and certain instructions to be followed in terms of brushing the teeth and the healthy food for the teeth health.
2. In terms of the toothbrush for sensitive teeth, you should always use a soft toothbrush with a small head brush to go in so easily and to never cause any damage to the teeth; such as teeth bleeding, etc…
3. In terms of the toothpaste for sensitive teeth, you should buy the one that is made for sensitive teeth, and if you have any doubts, you should always ask the help of the assistance for getting the sensitive teeth toothpaste…
4. Try to avoid eating sour food sensitive teeth or food sensitive testing until you make sure that such sensitivity is ended…


Healthy diet

Every single day we do hear about different types of healthy diet that might help in getting the shape of body we ever dreamed about…
Besides, I myself have done a great effort in publishing lots of articles on the healthy diet.... at this moment; I’m willing to share with you another type of weight loss which has been shared by a number of people…

1. in order to start your morning with a healthy diet; drink your coffee or tea or whatever you favor… then, after an hour or two, eat a boiled egg without the yolk, or eat 3 pieces of biscuit, or oat…

2. Get yourself lots of fruits around 10 or 10.30 in the morning as fruits are considered to be one of the best healthy diets ever…

3. During lunch time, do eat a balanced meal that is dressed with lots of veggies, because veggies are a healthy diet food as well…

4. You don’t have to quit the evening healthy diet by treating yourself with a relaxing cup of tea or coffee with less or without sugar, and light snacks…

5. When it comes to a dinner time; it is advisable to eat dinner quite early or at least 3 hours before your sleeping time in order to give your digestion system an amount of time to digest the food and to stay healthy with a healthy diet body…

6. never ever forget the exercise…you need to get used to exercise your body daily…walking is considered to be among the most valuable form of exercises that can be practiced and performed by all ages…

If you have any idea or comment you want to share; you are welcome to share it with me…or you can simply rate the article…

yoga clothing or execise clothing

To my surprise, I found that yoga has to have a special place in our daily life… we don’t only have to devote a few minutes or an hour in max for practicing yoga; rather, we need to be extremely careful about the type of clothes that we should choose to wear while practicing yoga! We should be very particular about the yoga clothing

Yoga experts advise us to wear yoga clothing or exercise clothing that are not too tight, as yoga involves loads of flexing movements… besides, if we wear tight yoga clothing or tight exercise clothing, we might not feel the freedom and the relaxation in moving our body… so, we should always try to wear comforting yoga clothing or comforting exercise clothing such as; T-shirts with pants that are not too tight and not fluffy… for more info, you can always consult your yoga trainer or do some Google search to get a clear idea about the type of training clothes that you should perfectly wear…

In terms of the color; yoga experts or exercise experts suggest to wear any type of colors if we are practicing yoga in the house (indoor)…but we need to avoid wearing dark colors if we are practicing yoga outdoor and especially during summer time as dark colors help very badly in burning the skin because the sun passes directly through the dark clothing…

One important thing to remember; we need to change our exercise clothes or yoga clothes everyday and it has to be washed daily, otherwise it will lead to skin itching and might even lead to skin disease, because, when we do any type of exercise, we produce sweat that leads to skin infection…in order to protect our skin from being infected by any disease, we need to change our clothes and take a shower daily…

Last but not least; yoga mat should be provided while practicing yoga…as yoga mat prevents us from having backache and slipping down while practicing the yoga…I myself consider the yoga mat as an important part of our exercises; whether it is a yoga exercise, or push ups and downs exercise or any other form of exercises…

If you have any comments or ideas you want to share; you are welcome to share it with me…or you can simply rate the article…


Yoga for physical fitness

It seems that; yoga has different contributions to the human body…
Yesterday I have done some research and to my surprise, I found that, the concept of Yoga means “union” and it is generated from India as well! It is the union between the mind and the body… the mind and the body has to work together and complement each other

With yoga exercise, we can definitely improve our physical fitness such as; stress control, mental clarity, normalize blood pressure, weight loss, etc

Yoga can be performed by all ages, and people with disabilities as well can perform yoga…

Last but not least, when doing yoga exercise, we should not go beyond the limit of our endurance…we have to yoga exercise with a slow and gentle movement to get a meaningful result…

If you have any comments or ideas you would like to share, please don’t hesitate to share it in my post or you can simply rate it…