
Exercise programs for fitness are 100% anti aging natural face protection

Having daily exercises are very helpful in achieving the image of healthy body you ever dreamed about… walking is among the best medicine for face protection…walking for fitness is actually available and reachable for all ages! Try to park your car a bit far away from your office and walk instead… try to walk to your nearest grocery shop instead of using the car… get yourself some walks in the evening and especially during the sunset time where the weather is so amazing, and so airy… actually, you can achieve the walking exercise for fitness in different lovable and comfortable ways… beside walking exercise, I prefer to do push ups and downs 20 to 30 times daily…

Exercise programs are very helpful as it helps you to achieve a healthy body image… healthy body image means enjoying healthy body and healthy mind… exercise programs for fitness are among the 100% anti aging natural face protection…

healthy ingredients are the best for face protection

To enjoy having face protection; you have to keep on using natural face products… such 100% natural face products are available everywhere… anti aging natural face products are within your reachable hands!

Healthy food that is rich of vitamins, proteins, calcium, and etc are considered to be an important collection for anti aging face products… in fact, healthy food is the best 100% natural face product… healthy food helps extremely well in doing face protection… so, keep on starting your day with a healthy breakfast and enjoy eating fruits and veggies as well because such ingredients are considered to be an effective healthy diet regimen… as a matter of fact, having healthy food doesn’t mean having heavy meals; rather, healthy food means enjoy eating meals that are rich of healthy ingredients… such healthy ingredient foods are very important for not only for face protection; rather, healthy ingredients are important for healthy body and healthy mind…

Drinking water is 100% natural face product

In order to have face protection; you should try to use natural face products… such 100% natural face products are available in every house… anti aging natural face products are within your reachable hands!

Having glasses of water daily is considered to be the best 100% natural face products… keep on drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily to achieve face protection… if you think having 8 glasses of water is quite heavy; then try to drink a cup or half a cup of water every an hour…water helps very mush in moisturizing your skin and prevent your skin from having brown skin spots… water is an anti aging natural face product… besides, the majority of the celebrities without makeup o TV look great because they keep on having drinking water most of the time… water is the best and one of the 100% natural face products…

Face protection

Face protection is considered to be an essential part of our healthy body…face protection can be achieved in different ways… applying makeup in moderation helps in doing some eye and face protection… although, now a days, wearing makeup seems to be an essential part of our daily life not only for older people, but rather, kids as well seem to take advantage for that! Personally, I don’t like to wear makeup for everyday’s activities, I prefer to use Vaseline or lip gloss to moisturize my lips and to protect it from being peeled, and I just love to wear light makeup (foundation+ mascara+ lipstick or light lip gloss) in special occasions…

Sometimes our jobs require us to wear some makeup and I have no doubts on that… but always try to wear light makeup instead of applying too many layers of colors on your face every morning! As light makeup helps in doing some face protection… if you keep on wearing heavy makeup daily; your skin will be prevented from having some breath and preventing the skin to breath is against eye and face protection procedure…

Dressing your face with heavy makeup might not do a great job for face protection…as a matter of fact, the majority of the celebrities prefer to either wear light makeup or without makeup! Well, there are lots of celebrities without makeup on TV! The reason for being viewed as celebrities without makeup is because, celebrities want to have face protection… they don’t want to be covered with daily heavy or light mac makeup…

So, keep on doing face protection yourself… having eyes and face protection means having a healthy life… and having a healthy life leads you to enjoy healthy body and healthy mind…


The best way for applying lip gloss

Well, some of us wear lip gloss without following a particular method which is most probably wrong!

1. Before applying lip gloss, we should moisturize our lips first…

2. We should then use lip liner to define the lips and then use the lip gloss…

3. Use a tissue to remove any excesses of lip gloss…

4. Then, place your finger in your mouth and pull it carefully! Such method will prevent the color of the lip gloss from getting into your teeth…

5. Always try to apply the lip gloss to the middle of your lower lip and then spread it thoroughly to get the right amount for shining…

Healthy natural products for wrinkle remover

1. I found some experts stress on using the skin of Papaya as a wrinkle removal to remove the dark areas and the lines under the eyes...

2. Another common way used for wrinkle remover is the usage of a frozen metal spoon…you can put a metal spoon in the freeze every night and place under our eyes in the morning; as such frozen spoon might help as a wrinkle remover...

3. Constant massage helps very much in terms of wrinkle remover…we might even remove wrinkles with a constant massage using our hands…

4. You can also eat a spoonful of shredded ginger plus honey every morning for wrinkle remover…

Such healthy natural products for wrinkle remover helps very much in achieving a healthy life that has a balance of healthy mind and healthy body...such natural face products are considered to be among the 100% anti aging natural face products as well...

The natural wrinkle removal

1. Wrinkle remover can easily be achieved If you take care of your healthy diet regimen; by drinking plenty of water, eating balanced healthy food that is rich in vitamins, proteins, etc, activating ourselves with daily healthy exercises, plus avoiding smoking and drinking alcoholic and other stuff that possess negative effects on our body…as you know, healthy food is the best medicine for wrinkle removal…

2. Wrinkles can be removed if you try to stay away from the heat of the sun whenever is possible and please do not forget your sunglasses and your gloves while driving to prevent your skin from having sun bloating as well… protecting your skin from the sun helps very much in terms of wrinkle remover…

3. For extra skin care, you should discuss any doubts or concerns in terms of wrinkle remover with the specialist doctor… as surely the doctor will give the best advice ever and if you follow the instructions carefully besides taking care of your health by yourself, you will not only achieve wrinkle removal, but rather you will also have healthy life, free from depressions, sickness and you will be showered with healthy body and healthy mind…

cleaning you toddler's teeth

1.To start cleaning your toddler's teeth; you need to buy toddler toothbrush and toothpaste… I myself prefer kids’ toothbrushes that are formed in funny and cutie shapes to grab the kid’s attention… in terms of the toothpaste, I prefer to buy kids’ toothpaste which got sweetie and tasty fragrance…

2. Bring your kid along with you to the washroom after each meal and just try to make fun while teaching him… try to be patient if your kid makes any mistake, and make fun out of teaching…

3. keep on motivating your kids, and keep on gifting your kids after accomplishing anything… try to control your anger if your kid did something wrong…
4. Helping your kids to brush their teeth in an early age helps very much in terms of; teeth protection, teeth whitening, pain gums or pain disease, and etc…

Gum disease sloution

Gum disease can definitely be cured if we follow the below tips of gum disease solution…as gum experts believe that, gum disease or gum pain can be cured by the following steps:

1. To cure gum disease; buy a soft toothbrush and get use to brush your teeth after every meal…as such a habit would definitely help in curing gum pain, plus such a habit helps in term of teeth protection and teeth whitening as well…

2. Rinse thoroughly with a mixture of warm water and salt…as such a mixture helps very much in healing gum disease… you can take a small cup and fill it with water and a spoonful of salt and then mix the ingredients to cure your teeth from gum pain…

3. Try to avoid commercial mouthwashes that contain alcohol…as you know, some products of mouthwashes for bad breath contains alcohol help very badly in increasing gum pain…

4. Never ever forget your dentist! You should always go to your dentist for check up every 6 months at least…visiting the dentist helps very much in curing gum pain or gum disease, and etc…visiting the dentist is such an important job you should do for wholly teeth protection…

Selecting the suitable toothbrush

1. For selecting the suitable toothbrush; we should consult the dentist as he or she knows much better on our conditions, and would definitely help us in recommending the suitable toothbrush…

2. Try to avoid buying harsh types of toothbrushes as they will not do any favor to our teeth…rather, harsh toothbrushes will only treat our teeth so badly and cause gum pain, and it will not do any favor for our teeth in terms of; teeth protection or teeth whitening…

3. For more teeth protection; try to buy a soft toothbrush with a small head as it can go in so easily… such a type of toothbrushes help in achieving teeth whitening as well as teeth protection to protect the teeth from gum pain and to ensure having healthy teeth and clean breath…

4. To have a healthy teeth and clean breath; it is advisable to replace the toothbrush every six months at least…beside, toothbrush should be replaced immediately if we got sick to prevent gum pain and to ensure having teeth protection…

5. In regards to the electronic toothbrush, there is actually no clear evidence of preferring electronic toothbrushes to the normal toothbrushes, and if there are any doubts on the usage of either electronic toothbrush or the normal toothbrush, we can always refer back to the dentist’s suggestions…

Healthy teeth and clean breath

1. In order to get healthy teeth and clean breath, you need to start brushing your teeth after every meal to get teeth whitening as well as teeth protection…

2. Get used to rinse thoroughly after every few hours to refresh your mouth and to clean your breath…

3. Keep on having chewing gum, as I myself use to do it every morning before going to classes or attending any other engagements… chewing gum helps activating the saliva as it does great job in having clean breath and healthy teeth …

4. For more teeth protection and extra teeth whitening, try to mix two or three spoons of baking soda with water, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth thoroughly, and should not swallow the mixture as it is bad for your abdomen…as such a mixture helps very much in achieving healthy teeth and clean breath…

Tips for teeth whitening and teeth protection

1. For teeth whitening, you need to keep on brushing your teeth regularly after every meal to get teeth whitening as well as teeth protection…

2. Try to avoid drinking too much caffeine as researchers have resulted that, drinking coffee, tea, and red wine would definitely help very much in yellowing the teeth which is against teeth whitening! So, to get teeth protection; experts advise to use straws for drinking caffeine, wine, etc and then whiten your teeth using a particular a fluoride toothpaste to get teeth whitening as well teeth protection…
3. Another way for teeth whitening can be gotten in rubbing your teeth with raw strawberry as it has an enzyme helps in whitening the teeth and strawberry is very good for teeth protection…

4. For more teeth whitening, you can use baking soda to get teeth whitening; mix two or three spoons of baking soda with water and stir the ingredients, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth…

5. some believes that lemon can be a great helper for teeth whitening… squeezing a lemon or you can use lemon juice with a teaspoon of then, stir the ingredients, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth and rinse thoroughly…

6. You can also use hydrogen peroxide to brush your teeth as you would do with toothpaste to get teeth whitening that lasts forever…

7. For extra teeth whitening as well teeth protection, you should always get back to the dentist if you have any doubts or concerns, and try to visit the dentist twice or trice a year for a check up…


Natural teeth protection

It is true that, fluoride toothpaste helps in whitening the teeth, but it will turn to be otherwise if we overly use the fluoride toothpaste…

Beside fluoride toothpaste, it has been resulted that, coffee, tea, wine, and red fruits help very much in staining and discoloring the teeth if we don’t rinse thoroughly…moreover, the teeth can also be discolored if it has poor oral hygiene…

Natural teeth protection needs proper care because, improper care can always lead to have stained and yellow teeth…

For more natural teeth protection; try to visit the dentist regularly or at least twice a year for teeth protection check-up…and try to never use any medications without the dentist’s instructions…as certain medications can lead to staining the teeth!

Healthy breakfast for healthy flat belly diet

Actually, some researchers believe and support the idea that breakfast can be a great helper in weight loss, while others reject such a view…personally, I do believe on the benefits that can be gotten from having healthy breakfast, and it is considered to be the most important meal of the day… but that doesn’t mean we have to skip our lunch and dinner or just rely on something light for the whole day! Such deed will never help us in loosing weight; rather, we will lose energy, and get the tendency to overeat instead of quitting the bad habit of overeating…

However, there are certain possibilities that might help us in loosing weight through having a heavy healthy breakfast that is rich in vitamins, proteins, etc… for instance, if we fill our table with stuff like; egg, orange, oatmeal, cereal, milk, juice, and other similar food would definitely help in controlling hunger, plus, having fruits for lunch, and eat something a bit heavy in the early evening…such a healthy diet recipes would help us in loosing weight and enjoy having a healthy flat belly diet…

I’ll tell about my own healthy diet food that help in getting a healthy flat belly diet; in the early morning, I get my drink, and around 10 or 10.30 I take two slices of toast with something, or yogurt, or fruits. And I take lunch, but at night I usually eat fruits or light food such as a sandwich or nothing at all…

So, you too can do either the same or something similar to that…it depends on your own needs and your daily schedule…if you do have another idea or experience related to having a healthy flat diet recipes that help in getting a healthy body and healthy mind; you are most welcome to share it with us…

Avoid bad habits of overeating

I know it is totally difficult to change bad habits of overeating in just whizz of seconds! But we get to be strong and positive... we have to learn how to say NO to food when we are not really hungry… try to take chewing gum or drink water or juicy stuff instead…

Ok, I’ll tell you something; when I get depressed or sad, I would go to the kitchen, BUT, I would prefer to take 1 or 2 pieces of biscuit, or 2 slices of toast with cheese, or yogurt, or eat fruits, or drink a warm glass of water, or juicy stuff or any light food, or I would go and watch TV, or check my e-mail, or call family or friends, or simply watch from the window or get myself outdoor… such deeds have helped me very well to get off with my bad habit of drinking coffee, as I used to drink mugs of coffee when I simply get depressed, or when I even get bored!

So, you too can do the same no matter what you have… you have to keep yourself strong and positive… by the way, do not expect to succeed from the first act! I’m not attempting to scare you or something; rather, I’m just trying to wake you up with the fact that; no such thing can be achieved without the willingness and the temptation to succeed no matter how hard it might be…REMEMBER, having a healthy body is a beauty itself! So, take care of your health, try to control your depression, and try to shower your life with smiles…

If you to enjoy a healthy life; you must have a healthy body and healthy mind…

How to avoid overeating?

1. in order to avoid overeating, you should try to drink a glass of water before, during and after the meal…
2. if you are having a celebration and worried about your flat belly diet; try to avoid overeating by eating some food at home before going to the party…if the party is at night for instance, we should then eat regular meal of breakfast and lunch, to avoid overeating…
3.enjoy having healthy food at the party by eating salads, fruits and juicy stuff first and then grab little of other dishes…beside, try to avoid eating while standing as the food can easily be consumed and you would not feel at that moment the amount of food that you eat … actually, I myself do feel the same when eating while standing; I keep on eating this and that without feeling satisfied, but I start to feel lethargic and stomach pain after awhile…

flat belly diet food

We usually hear lots of different views related to flat belly diet, or weight loss or healthy flat belly recipes to make it at home or healthy flat belly food to take…some experts believe on having some pills to help us achieving weight loss or flat belly, while some believe on getting ourselves registered on gyms, and some encourage us to skip meals and etc…

I myself don’t do any of the above deeds to get a flat belly or weight loss! I have my own flat belly diet which contains of simple flat belly food or flat belly recipes I do it daily; I usually have something to drink in the early morning, and around 10 or 10.30 take a sandwich, or yogurt, or just some fruits, and I take late lunch around 3 or 3.30, and then I take something light for dinner…but in certain urgencies, I get to eat something light for lunch and take a bit heavy dinner around 7 or 8, plus having regular exercises formed in walking, and doing push ups and downs…

REMEMBER two things; exercise in the way you like and keep on eating healthy food to get a healthy life that is formed in healthy body and healthy mind… by the way, you have to remember that, your health signifies your beauty…

healthy flat belly diet

In order to achieve a healthy body; we have to follow a particular healthy diet regimen… such a healthy diet doesn’t have to consist of complex mixture of flat belly food or tiring flat belly exercise… healthy body can be achieved so easily if we follow simple flat belly food and flat belly exercises daily…
In terms of flat belly food; try to choose flat belly recipes that are rich in vitamins, proteins, calcium, and etc… plus, keep on drinking water and juicy stuff daily as the body needs lots of water…
In regards of flat belly exercise, keep on doing daily healthy belly exercises such as; walking, push ups and downs, etc…
The result of achieving a flat belly starts to be seen within 6 to 8 weeks… it is really wonderful to enjoy a healthy life contains a balance between healthy body and healthy mind…

exercise program for fitness

In order to achieve the idea of healthy body and healthy mind; you need to focus on your image… you need to get used to perform some healthy exercise programs… you should exercise either daily or day after day… actually, walking is the best exercise program for fitness that is being agreed upon… in order to perform exercise programs; try to devout 20 or 30 minutes of your time to be spent on walking… some experts advise us to walk twice a day; before and after getting from work…well, it might sound a bit difficult and tiring to devout the amount of time for exercise, right! so, why don't you try to simplify the exercise program into easy ways; if you park you car a bit far away and walk to the office instead… if you walk to the nearest grocery shop instead of driving… or any other similarities... so, you just try to avoid using your vehicle as possible as you can, and walk instead to fresh your mind and breath fresh air as well... it is really amazing... try to make it and you will start to see the shape of healthy body you ever dreamed about...

• Beside walking as a flat stomach exercise, there are actually other exercises that can be performed as well such as sit ups, crunches, exercise ball and etc… you can perform it if you want to get the 6 pack abs…

• Last but not least, there are some people and I myself was one of them who grown up believing in a myth; “my body is fine but I have fats in the stomach!” such a sentence has disturbed me quite a lot and I was searching for tips that can flat my stomach without touching the rest of the body! I was totally wrong until I got to learn about the healthy diets and found that, if we want to lose any fat no matter where this fat is placed, we should then get a look in what we eat, and try our best to follow a healthy flat belly diets with consistent flat stomach exercise programs for fitness…


the side effect of oversleeping

Well, based on what the experts have mentioned; sleepiness can have a side effect if you exceed the amount of sleepiness… oversleeping has widely been approved as being a fat factor! The effects of oversleeping helps the stomach to gain some fats as well as some bloating… therefore; we should always try to take enough amount of sleep daily… besides, stop eating late at night or within 3 hours before the sleeping time, and try to drink warm glasses of water instead of drinking cold water to lessen the fat as I myself do that from time to time…

Tips to enjoy sexy and healthy body ever

Well, it is the dream of every person to gain the image of such a healthy body ever…from now and on, we can definitely turn that dream into reality if we simply follow up the below methods to look fresh everyday with healthy body…

• the first thing to do in order to gain a healthy body is to keep on using a regular skin lotion to moisturize your body daily, and to leave your skin soft, shiny and comfortable…

• Try to use sun bloating to prevent your skin from having brown and dark patches…

• Keep on drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily to energize your body, and to help unblock greasy pores as well…as you water helps very much in giving you the shape of healthy body you ever want, plus the water helps in softening and shining your body…

• To have a healthy face; try to apply little makeup before leaving the house… just draw some mascara, define your lips with lip liner and lipstick or with lip gloss… but try to do not dap too much makeup, otherwise, you will look messy with a strong colorful stuff in the early morning! Just use light makeup… I for instance; apply Vaseline or a transparent lip gloss to make my lips soft, shiny and to achieve the sexy lips appearance… I don’t use mascara or any other appliances as I don’t have time to keep on standing in front of the mirror when I have classes at 8 am! I would rather get myself ready with something light on my face and wear my clothes that should be ironed the night before I get to bed to save the time for the other day!

. To have a healthy hair, try to do some haircuts from time to time, or try to dress your hair differently to avoid boredoms…besides, keep on oiling the roots of your hair from during the weekends or from time to time if you are extremely busy with packed schedule…

. To achieve the whitening look, do take care of your teeth regularly… keep on whitening them from time to time and do a medical check-up for more teeth protection…

If you really want to achieve the idea of enjoying a healthy body and healthy mind; you need to try the above they they really help very much in getting the healthy body and healthy mind ever...besides, there is nothing wrong in trying as you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying...

healthy life

The followings are some healthy habits for healthy life that we should adapt to get a healthy body and healthy mind…

To get a healthy body image; you need to keep on doing some daily activities to energize your body…

Dress your meal with fruits and veggies to get healthy body weight…

Keep on drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily to get a healthy body and mind that is full of energy...

In order to gain the healthy body image you ever wanted; you need to stop letting food becomes your companion during your difficult times as it doesn’t bring you any benefits…rather it only causes your body more fats…

If you want to get a healthy body and healthy mind, you need to keep on activating your brain daily with motivation and inspirational thoughts, as motivation helps very much in showering your life with healthy body and healthy mind… motivation helps in washing your life with beauty and shine your face with smiles…

the negative effects of diary products

To my surprise, I have found that, the diary products have side effects! It causes diarrhea, stomach bloating, gas, stomach cramps, etc… therefore; we should try to keep on drinking water after consuming dairy products for more health protection…

stomach bloating

Stomach bloating is considered to be among the factors that might definitely lead to stomach problems, if:

stomach bloating usually happens if, we eat late at night or within the 3 hours of our sleeping time… in this case, our metabolism can hardly digest the food and will even lead to other diseases as well such as; gas or abdominal pain…

Stress appears to be among the causing factors to stomach bloating as well… usually, when you are under stress, you tend to seek for any companion to complement your hormonal cortisone, and lots of people find the food as their best friend to accompany them when feeling lonely or under pressure or during even their boring times…

Therefore, to avoid such a problem, you have to quit your bad habits, or you might even get yourself to a specialist doctor and discuss the matter with him or her into details…

flat belly diet

Having a flat belly diet has really concern me a lot… as different people presented different views about the flat belly and the types of exercises that can be performed to get the flat belly and enjoy the shape of body we want and dreamed to have!
the majority of the exercise experts advise us to follow either any of the exercises recommended below; as the below exercises help very much in getting a flat belly:

In terms of walking; walking exercise is the only one that has widely been approved as an aid that helps in having a flat belly, removing the fats, and accomplishing the abs…this exercise is suitable for all ages… it can perfectly be performed without having any side effects…

In terms of crunches; it is basically suitable for building abs, but it is not suitable for all ages… it can be performed on the floor, by bending your knees at 45 degrees with both feet on the floor, then place your right hand over your left knee and vice versa…

In regard to the bicycle; you can perform this exercise by lying on the floor, bring your knees to about 45 degrees, and slowly go through a bicycle pedaling, touching your left elbow with your right knee and vice versa…

how to stop caffeine addiction?

Caffeine has a very negative side effect…It is really important to know how to back off caffeine, or at least drink caffeine in moderation…

When you get up in the morning, try to take a warm shower to relax your body…then eat a complete breakfast that is rich of vitamins, calcium, etc…listen to music while getting yourself ready to start your day…keep on drinking at least 8 glasses of water… drink something hot as a replacement for your hot mug of coffee…get some fruits as a snack instead of dreaming on having a mug of coffee…

I myself used these tips when I decided to stop drinking coffee 3 months ago…it was really difficult but I had to force myself, otherwise, I would have lost my vision completely, and gained lots of fats… but thank God…

You too can do the same… BUT, if you CANNOT stop drinking completely; you can then drink in MODERATION…

If you have any comments or ideas you want to share; please don’t hesitate to share it here with me…

the side effect of caffeine

The effects of caffeine differ from an individual to another… it depends on the person’s weight, height, age, etc...

According to my own experience and to what the experts and others have said about the negative side effects of caffeine; caffeine has a bad reputation!

caffeine increases the central nervous system… although caffeine also makes me more energetic with a clear focus and relax for a short period of time… however, after a while, I start to get a headache, depressed, and got the tendency to drink more mugs of coffee… despite the fact, the more I drink, the more I get myself to the restroom…

I was addicted to caffeine for 4 solid years, and I just backed off since 3 months ago… during the first week of stopping, I faced lots of difficulties, I got really stressed up, lost my temper easily, sleeping most of the time, headache, lethargic, etc

The reason that encouraged me to stop taking caffeine was its side effects on the body as well as the vision… caffeine helps very badly in weight gain! If we don’t drink coffee, we get the feeling of anger, and depression and we tend to go to the kitchen to eat anything to satisfy our hormonal cortisone! In regard to the vision, my eyes started to get itchy and decreased the power of my vision as well…

If you have any comments or got an experience to share; you are welcome to share it with me here…

healthy snacks

Basically, we all know that adding snacks into our eating healthy diet snacks are considered to be an important part of our diet regimen, as healthy snacks help very much in energizing our body… healthy snack is the factor that can keep us from starvation until the dinner’s time!

There are different type of snacks to be used for healthy diet regimen, but not all types of snacks meet our needs of nutrition… the majority of us tend to run for snacks like, salty chips, dry sweets, cold drink, etc without thinking of the side effects! Therefore, we need to take snacks that help in energizing our body and have got lots of nutrition as well, such as; fruits, veggies, fresh juices, etc…beside, if the mouth waters for chips, you can then take packed chips that is less salty but don’t take it daily as you have got to change your snack daily to avoid boredoms and to stay healthy with healthy diet regimen…

Eye exercises

Eye training is considered to be among the most important types of yoga exercises! Eye training helps the eyes to relax, to improve the eye vision and to protect the eyes from eye strain…

How to exercise your eyes?

In order to get your eyes some yoga exercise; you need to practice looking up and then look down…look right and then look left… and then roll your eyes clockwise… keep on doing this exercise for few minutes daily and try to make it as a habit…