We usually hear different views being presented on this area…some experts believe on having some pills to help us loss weight, while some believe on getting ourselves registered on gyms, while some encourage us to skip meals and etc…
I myself don’t do any of the above deeds! I usually have some drink in the early morning, and around 10 or 10.30 take a sandwich, or yogurt, or just some fruits, and I take late lunch around 3 or 3.30 after done with my classes, and I take something light for dinner; but in certain urgencies, I get to eat something light for lunch and take a bit heavy dinner around 7 or 8, plus having regular exercises formed in walking, and stretching…even though, I still cannot see myself formed in my dreaming shape, but friends and family started to recognize such changes… my dreaming shape is to have a Chinese body! Even though I’m slim but my problem goes to the stomach; I want to have a small stomach like the Chinese! It sounds weird, right! And even friends and family laughed all their ways but I’m just determined to get the result I want, and yeah I started to see a light change…
So, you too can do exactly what you want… just be self determined and go for it…REMEMBER two things; exercise in the way you like and keep on eating healthy food… by the way, you have to remember that, your health signifies your beauty…
weight loss program
Posted by lifeishope at 16:18 0 comments
Labels: diet, weight loss
How to avoid overeating at parties?
Usually, different varieties of tasty dishes would be served at parties, and it would definitely be hard to stop eating, and we don’t usually feel it as we keep on talking with this and that while tasting different dishes and we only start to feel the pain and the heaviness of the abdomen once we reach home! I usually feel the same and end up my day blaming myself for being such uncontrollable girl, and keep on promising myself to never repeat the same act again; however, I simply broke up the promises in another party! Hence, I have just found some tips hoping it might help you and me in avoiding overeating at parties:
1. We should try to drink a glass of water before, during and after the meal…
2. Try to eat some food at home before going to the party; if the party is at night for instance, we should then eat regular meal of breakfast and lunch, to avoid overeating at the party…
3. In terms of the party’s food; try to start with salads, fruits and juicy stuff first…
4. We should not eat while standing as the food can easily be consumed and we would not feel the amount of food that we eat… actually, I myself do feel the same when eating while standing; I keep on eating this and that without feeling satisfied, but I start to feel lethargic and stomach pain after awhile…
5. We should try to talk and focus on what we are talking, and try to enjoy the conversation rather than eyeing on the dishes…
Posted by lifeishope at 15:32 0 comments
Labels: diet, weight loss
Can breakfast help in loosing weight?
Actually, some researchers believe and support the idea that breakfast can be a great helper in weight loss, while others reject such a view…personally, I do believe on the benefits that can be gotten from having a breakfast, and it is considered to be the most important meal of the day… but that doesn’t mean we have to skip our lunch and dinner or just rely on something light for the whole day! Such deed will never help us in loosing weight; rather, we will lose energy and get tired so easily…
However, there are certain possibilities that might help us in loosing weight through having a heavy breakfast that is rich in vitamins, proteins, etc… for instance, if we fill our table with stuff like; egg, orange, oatmeal, cereal, milk, juice, and other similar food would definitely help in controlling hunger, plus, having fruits for lunch, and eat something a bit heavy in the early evening…such diet would help us in loosing weight…
I’ll tell about my own method; in the early morning, I get my drink, and around 10 or 10.30 I take two slices of toast with something, or yogurt, or fruits. And I take lunch, but at night I usually eat fruits or light food such as a sandwich or nothing at all…
So, you too can do either the same or something similar to that…it depends on your own needs and your daily schedule…if you do have another idea or experience; you are most welcome to share it with us…
Posted by lifeishope at 14:42 0 comments
Labels: diet, weight loss
How can we control our temptation for eating when we are not hungry?
Everyday we notice different issues related to diet and nutrition being discussed in different media, and examined in different views as well! The article which I’m focusing on right now deals with the reasons that urge us to head either to the kitchen or to the nearest restaurant for eating not to survive hunger, but rather, to get comforts! I myself for instance, used to drink mugs of coffee for comfort when I got stressed up with classes, or when feeling down! It is terribly upsetting… but thank God for giving me the courage to stop this bad habit; I have stopped drinking coffee since 3 months ago as my family and friends helped me as well… and when I get upset or stressed, I would just go and do certain changes such as; watching TV, listening to music, talking, emailing or messaging or doing anything that brings me joys and then go back to finish my school work…
I know it is totally difficult to change a habit that we used to do in just whizz of second! But we get to be strong and positive... we have to learn and say NO to food when we are not really hungry… try to take chewing gum or drink water or juicy stuff instead…
Ok, I’ll tell you something; when I get depressed or sad, I would go to the kitchen, BUT, I would prefer to take 1 or 2 pieces of biscuit, or 2 slices of toast with cheese, or yogurt, or eat fruits, or drink a warm glass water, or juicy stuff or any light food, or I would go and watch TV, or check my e-mail, or call family or friends, or simply watch from the window or get myself outdoor… such deeds have helped me very well to get off with my bad habit of drinking coffee, as I used to drink many mugs of coffee when I simply get depressed, or when I even get bored!
So, you too can do the same no matter what you have… you have to keep yourself strong and positive… by the way, do not expect to succeed from the first act! I’m not attempting to scare you; rather, I’m just trying to wake you up with the fact that; no such thing can be achieved without willingness and the temptation to succeed no matter how hard it might be…REMEMBER, having a healthy body is a beauty in itself! So, take care of your health, try to control your depression, and try to shower your life with smiles…
Posted by lifeishope at 14:42 0 comments
Labels: diet, weight loss
What are the factors that cause the teeth to be stained?
1. An excessive use of the fluoride…even though, it is true that, fluoride helps in whitening the teeth, but it will turn to be otherwise if we overly use it…
2. According to the experts, certain medications can lead to staining the teeth! Therefore, we should always refer to the doctor’s instructions and never take a medicine without the doctor’s recommendation…
3. it has been resulted that, coffee, tea, wine, and red fruits help very much in staining the teeth, and will discolor the teeth as well if we don’t rinse thoroughly…moreover, the teeth can also be discolored if it has poor oral hygiene
4. Improper care would definitely lead to have stained and yellow teeth…
Posted by lifeishope at 14:41 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
home remedy for toothach
It has really surprised me! I have never imagined that such a medical process can be accomplished at home… it sounds a bit scary to me, but it is the reality and yeah, I just found that such a medical treatment can be done by ourselves at home instead of tiring ourselves all the way to the dental!
HOW? Based on the experts’ suggestions as well the readers who commented on the article; they believe on home remedy for toothache:
1. We should rinse with water and salt (take a small cup of water and mix it with a spoonful of salt, and stir the ingredients and then use it for rinsing…
2. Take an ice and place it under the painful side of your mouth to help in curing the toothache…
3. You can also take a glove of garlic and use a spoon to smash the garlic over the painful side until the oil comes out…I myself got really shivered and felt terribly scared when I tried to imagine the situation of smashing the glove over the pain! Gosh it is really killing me, and I don’t think I’m that strong enough to make! but this is one of tips that can be used in treating the toothache.
4. Take a painkiller after every meal…
5. If the pain does not stop, you should go to the dentist…
6. Last but not least, never forget to brush your teeth no matter how hard the situation might be…
Posted by lifeishope at 14:35 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
How to keep the whitening in our teeth last forever?
1. As usual, keep on brushing your teeth regularly after every meal…
2. Researchers have resulted that, drinking coffee, tea, and red wine would definitely help very much in yellowing the teeth! To avoid discoloring, experts advise to use straws for drinking such stuff, and rinse immediately…
3. You can also rub your teeth with raw strawberry as it has an enzyme helps in whitening the teeth…
4. You can as well use baking soda for whitening; mix two or three spoons of baking soda with water and stir the ingredients, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth…
5. You can use lemon juice with a teaspoon of salt and stir the ingredients, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth and rinse thoroughly…
6. You can also use hydrogen peroxide to brush your teeth as you would do with toothpaste to get teeth whitening that lasts forever…
7. Last but not least, you should always get back to the dentist if you have any doubts or concerns, and try to visit the dentist twice or trice a year for a check up…
Posted by lifeishope at 03:56 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
How to keep our teeth clean from stains?
1. We should keep on brushing our teeth after every meal…
2. Keep on going to the dentist once in a while for cleaning, as there are some areas in our teeth cannot be brushed so easily using the normal toothbrush…
3. Try to never use your finger or any other sharp stuff to remove the stains…
4. try to reduce eating sugary stuff as much as you can to prevent tooth decay, and get to brush your teeth immediately…in fact, I myself do the same thing; once I eat sweetie stuff, I would just get myself immediately to the washroom to brush my teeth, but when it comes to chocolates in particular, I would prefer to dissolve it in my mouth rather than eating it so I would not get stains which make me feel uncomfortable trying to remove it either by my tongue, or rushing immediately to brush my teeth…
5. During the meal, try to eat in a regular move that is neither too fast nor too slow, and should take a short breath between each amount of food as a reason to get rid of stains that makes brushing a bit difficult…
Posted by lifeishope at 03:50 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
How to clean our teeth from nicotine stains?
1. You should get used to mouthwash twice a day…
2. Brush your teeth regularly and specially after smoking to get rid of nicotine patch… beside, you should keep on mind that, nicotine has a great effect on the eyes!
3. Try to replace your regular toothpaste with a mixture of (baking soda+ peroxide)…
4. Get used to an electronic toothbrush with a double head to get easily into the difficult areas of the mouth…
5. last but not least, I will always keep on reminding you to make visiting the dentist as a habit to be accomplished twice or trice a year at least…within your visits, discuss with your dentist on all your doubts and concerns, and you should follow his or her instructions carefully as your dentist knows much better than you do…besides, if you want to buy any whitening product, I would advise you to refer back to your dentist’s instructions…
Posted by lifeishope at 03:44 0 comments
How to care for your teeth after the whitening procedure?
1. As you know, after the whitening procedure of your teeth, you have to keep up brushing your teeth regularly after every meal…
2. Use whitening toothpaste for brushing…
3. Try to keep yourself away from smoking as it helps in discoloring and staining the teeth…
4. Rinse thoroughly after drinking coffee, tea, or red wine…
5. Follow the doctor’s instructions carefully and try to whiten your teeth once year at least…
Posted by lifeishope at 03:40 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
What should you do to get a clean breath that last for 24 hours?
Such a question is considered to be among the most important issues concerning the majority of people, and I’m one of them who often face this problem if I don’t brush my teeth after every meal…this topic has been discussed widely among the experts, and the majority of them believe on the following instructions:
1. Brush your teeth after every meal…
2. Get used to rinse thoroughly after every few hours…
3. Eat chewing gum, as I myself use to do it every morning before going to classes or attending any other engagements… it helps activating the saliva, as well as cleaning the breath…
4. Mix two or three spoons of baking soda with water, and then dip your brush in the mixture to brush your teeth thoroughly, and should not swallow the mixture as it is bad for your abdomen…
Posted by lifeishope at 19:35 0 comments
Labels: breathing
How can we choose the best suitable toothbrush?
I myself do get confused when it comes to selecting the suitable toothbrush, as there are thousands of types placed in the markets, with different brand names, and with different ways of commercials… it is totally confusing, and sometimes, we buy the toothbrush based on the shape and the brand, but it happens to show otherwise! Hence, we should be extra careful in selecting the suitable stuff that is matched with our conditions…
1. We should consult the dentist as he or she knows much better on our conditions, and would definitely help us in recommending the suitable toothbrush…
2. Try to avoid buying harsh types as they will not do any favor to our teeth…rather, harsh toothbrush will only treat our teeth so badly and cause gum bleeding, and other stuff…
3. it will be much better to buy a soft toothbrush with a small head as it can go in so easily
4. We should replace the toothbrush every 6 months at least, and it should also be replaced immediately if we got sick…
5. In regards to the electronic toothbrush, there is actually no clear evidence of preferring this technique to the normal toothbrush, and if there are any doubts on the usage, we can always refer back to the dentist’s suggestions…
Posted by lifeishope at 19:32 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
Can we whiten our teeth at home?
I have just read an article related to this topic, and it seems that, we can do the whitening treatment at home! Actually, I thought that such treatment must be done in dental clinic, but it is happened to be otherwise! And below are some tips that should be taken if we decide to whiten our teeth at home…even thought, I don’t really feel secure in getting my teeth whitened at home, as I might not be careful enough in following the instructions… but here are the instructions:
1. You should be extra careful in buying the suitable whitening treatment…
2. You should buy special toothpaste that is suitable for sensitive teeth...
3. Wear the whitener for a short period of time until you get used to the process, and avoid taking hot drink for the first 24 hours…
4. Wear a fluoride gel for about 4 minutes in max before and after the whitening treatment to strengthen your teeth…
5. If your teeth still gets sensitive, you should then stop using the whitening process and take you to the dentist…
Posted by lifeishope at 20:25 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
Bleeding gums
Well, I found some tips that might help in curing the gums… as you know, our teeth are among the most important figures of our appearance that should be taken care of, and people usually judge our personalities from the way we talk and smile!
Experts believe that, gums can be cured by the following steps:
1. Buy a soft toothbrush and get use to brush your teeth after every meal…
2. Rinse thoroughly with a mixture of warm water and salt… you can take a small cup and fill it with water and a spoonful of salt and then mix the ingredients…
3. Try to avoid commercial mouthwashes that contain alcohol…
4. Never ever forget your dentist! You should always go to your dentist for check up every 6 months at least…
Posted by lifeishope at 19:57 0 comments
How to brush toddlers’ teeth?
I have just read such stuff related to this topic, and I found effective and interesting steps on how to make brushing the teeth as a habit! the stuff which I have just found are totally informative and I really like the idea of helping the kids to get used to such attitudes in an early age… in fact I myself have seen lots of children whose’ parents never care about their kids’ cleanliness pretending to be busy with other important stuff! Therefore, our kids are our first priority and we should teach them on how to be responsible for brushing their teeth, changing their clothes, going to the washroom by themselves and so on… in this topic I’m focusing on kids while I myself still in my early twenties, but I do have siblings and cousins who are still kids and they need lots of attention… anyhow, the steps that we should take focuses on the coming pints:
1. Buy toddler toothbrush and toothpaste… I myself prefer toothbrush that is formed in funny and cutie shapes to grab the kid’s attention… in terms of the toothpaste, I prefer to buy those which got sweetie and tasty fragrance…
2. Bring your kid along with you to the washroom after each meal and just try to make fun while teaching him… try to be patient if your kid makes any mistake, and make fun out of teaching…
3. keep on motivating your kid, and gift him or her after accomplishing anything… try to control your anger if your kid did something wrong…
Posted by lifeishope at 18:21 0 comments
Labels: Teeth
Can we reduce the wrinkles naturally with home-made products?
Over the years, people keep telling each other about such stuff that can be made at home for reducing wrinkles, and I myself witnessed the same when I grown up; people keep talking and blogging on such topics! But what makes me get confused is that, I couldn’t find common suggestions that have been shared or presented by people! In which, some agree on a particular thing while others disagree! And I myself found some confusion on the usage of lemons for instance; in one article, I found that lemons should not be held with bare hands, rather we should wear gloves! While in another article, I found the effectiveness of squeezing some drops of lemons and wrap our hands with it as an anti aging wrinkle product!
I also found some experts stress on using the skin of Papaya to remove the dark areas and the lines under the eyes... I also found that, we can put a metal spoon in the freeze every night and place under our eyes in the morning; as such frozen spoon might help as a wrinkle remover...
We might even reduce wrinkles with a constant massage using our hands…we can also eat a spoonful of shredded ginger plus honey every morning to reduce the wrinkles…
A thumb of advice; I don’t have enough evidence regarding to the above points, as you know, people always have different view points and they might not agree with each other as well… but what I’m really sure about is our health… if we take care of our diet; drink plenty of water, eat balanced food that is rich in vitamins, proteins, etc, activate ourselves with daily exercises, plus avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic and other stuff that possess negative effects on our body…besides, try to stay away from the heat of the sun whenever is possible and please do not forget your sunglasses and your gloves while driving… last but not least, you should discuss any doubts or concerns you have with your doctor, as surely the doctor will give the best advice ever and if you follow the instructions carefully besides taking care of your health by yourself, you will not only reduce your wrinkles, but rather you will stay healthy, free from depressions, sickness and your body will be showered with beauty ever after…
the source of the pictures:
Posted by lifeishope at 21:14 0 comments
Labels: wrinkles
best hands moisturizer routine
1. try to keep our hands away from water whenever is not necessary… experts believe that, exposing our hands to the water extraordinarily can dry our skin and lessen the oil of our hands… therefore, the better way is to wear gloves while washing, laundering, gardening, and we should even wear gloves while driving as the heat of the sun helps very much in drying the skin…
2. Keep on moisturizing our hands daily to protect it from being chipped…
3. Try to use some tissues or a towel to dry your hands instead of using hot air blowers as it helps in drying the skin…
4. Some experts advise us to wear gloves while cooking, and we should not touch lemons, carrots, oranges with bare hands! personally, I never use gloves while squeezing lemons or whatever, and gosh how should I eat orange while wearing gloves! I don’t feel the taste and the enjoyment of eating!
A thumb of advice; I suggest visiting a doctor and discuss with him or her every single thing related to the condition as doctors know much better about our conditions rather than others… doctors will give us special moisturizes to be used and some instructions to be followed and things will just go well if we keep up in following what they suggest…
the source of the pictures:
Posted by lifeishope at 20:55 0 comments
Labels: wrinkles
wrinkle treatment
We all know that wrinkles are the result of aging, depression, stressfulness, and so forth…yet, the solution still within our hands! If we take extra care of our health, we can possibly reduce the wrinkles…
1. try to stay away in a shading area as possible as you can… as the sun has such a terrible effect on our head which doesn’t only let us feel dizzy and get headache but rather, it would definitely help in drying our skin as well… therefore, we should protect ourselves from being exposed to the heat of the sun as best as we can, and try to get used to wear hats and sunglasses…
2. exercises are one of the best methods for being healthy… try yourself to get regular exercises everyday to stay healthy and energetic… as having such daily activities would protect us from stressfulness, tensions, and depressions… you can simply do the exercises in a form of walking! Walk instead of using your car if your destination is short like visiting a neighbor or going to the grocery shop or whatever… you can also park your car a bit far away from your office, and take the stairs instead of the elevator if your destination is just two or three levels up… or you can simply go for half an hour walk in the evening after getting back from work as it will definitely release your tension of such a long day…
3. Drink plenty of water daily and eat healthy food that is rich in vitamins, calcium, proteins and so on… try to avoid smoking as it is considered to be a dangerous factor in having health problems…
4. relaxing is an important and effective medication for staying healthy… so, try to get some sleep whenever you can, as sleepiness would most probably relax the brain and make it active…
5. Keep on using moisturizes to smooth your skin… in terms of the dark areas under your eyes; you should keep on moisturizing the particular area daily plus having enough sleep as well as trying to control and manage your stress to keep a positive outlook! Even though, managing depression is a bit difficult process but we can try to manage it as I have shown you few examples within the second point of this article, but I’ll try to devote some articles focusing on stress management in the sooner future…
6. You can also protect your hands from being chipped by keep on moisturizing them daily, plus using gloves to wash the dishes, or while gardening, or even while driving to protect your hands from the heat of the sun, as it dries the skin…
the source of the pictures:
Posted by lifeishope at 19:52 0 comments
Labels: wrinkles
Applying lip gloss
Well, some of us wear lip gloss without following a particular method which is most probably wrong! I have just read few articles and the experts have mostly presented the same suggestions…
1. We should moisturize our lips before applying anything else…
2. We should then use lip liner to define the lips and then use the lip gloss…
3. Use a tissue to remove any excesses…
4. Then, place your finger in your mouth and pull it carefully! Such method will prevent the color from getting into your teeth…
5. Always try to apply the lip gloss to the middle of your lower lip and then spread it thoroughly to get the right amount for shining…
the source of the pictures:
fashionista10.com,www.glamour.com, cultmoxie.blogspot.com, www.jupiterimages.com, www.istockphoto.com,www.permanentcosmeticsvatn.com
Posted by lifeishope at 19:13 0 comments
Do you want to look great without makeup?
Even though, now a days, wearing a makeup seems to be an essential part of our daily life not only for older people, but rather, kids as well seem to take advantage for that! Personally, I don’t like to wear makeup for everyday’s activities, I only use Vaseline to moisturize my lips and to protect it from being peeled, and I just love to wear light makeup in special occasions “as I have shown you the method of applying in one of the below articles”….
Sometimes our jobs require us to wear some makeup and I have no doubts on that… but always try to wear light makeup “foundation+ mascara+ lipstick or light lip gloss” instead of applying too many layers of colors on your face every morning!
So back to the main subject, I myself got really curious to know how to look great without makeup, and I found few tips as a helping process, but the majority of the suggestions stress on having a great health!
1. Drink plenty of water, eat healthy food that is rich in vitamins, calcium, proteins and so on, as you can find it in eggs, milk, and juicy stuff and so forth…
2. Exercise daily… well, the majority of us think of having some daily exercises as a time- waste, but we do have the time if you try to stretch your legs by walking! why don’t you try to walk instead of using the car if your destination is short, like visiting a neighbor or going to the market, or you can even walk for releasing tensions as well, as you know walking outdoors is the best medicine for releasing tensions… in terms of your work, you don’t have to park your car exactly near your office… you can even try to use the stairs instead of using the elevators if your destination is short! And there are many other things you can use to stay healthy…
3. get enough sleep…if you are well rested, you will not have dark areas under your eyes… it is true that, we all have lots of work to be done which might force us to stay either late at nights or to wake up early in the morning to finish our work, and such stuff would definitely increase our tensions or stressfulness! But we should try to get some sleep whenever we can as sleepiness helps us to stay healthy and relax…
4. in terms of releasing tensions; I always try to study or do my assignments with having low volume of music, near the window to be surrounded with fresh air, and if I’m really tension, I would take few walks, or drink a mug of coffee or have some talks with my roommates or call up my family or friends or any such stuff to release my tension and get back to focus on my work…well, such cure doesn’t happen in a whizz of second, as it takes time but we should not give up trying!
Therefore, in order to be beautiful, we should take care of our health! As makeup will never hide the tensions, or the dark areas under the eyes for long lasting hours… and no such beauty can hide our internal appearances no mater how many layers of colors we wear on our faces! So, stay healthy, and keep the smile shining and showering every place you enter! REMEMBER, health+ smile+ makeup = BEAUTY…
the source of the pictures:
Posted by lifeishope at 18:56 0 comments
Labels: fasion makeup show
Do you prefer to wear a light or a heavy makeup?
Personally, I prefer to apply a light makeup that presents 70% of our natural skin color than the heavy makeup that presents us with different faces! I know many people who use heavy makeup outdoor and I get used to them with heavy makeup, however, I got totally shocked when I saw them accidentally without even a foundation! I didn’t even recognize them at first sight!
Well, don’t get me wrong…we all have different perceptions and I have just presented my opinion and you too are welcome to give yours…
I prefer a light makeup to be used regularly or in our daytime…while a heavy makeup can be used occasionally… and if I want to wear a heavy makeup, I’ll then stress on darkening my eyes and wear a sexy and natural lip gloss …as I have shown you few pictures of celebrities using the two types…
But again, if you do have any comments, please don’t hesitate to show it up! We can always learn from each other as well as exchanging ideas…
Posted by lifeishope at 04:47 0 comments
Labels: makeup
celebrities with heavy makeup
my intention from showing you such pictures is to let you examin the way of wearing HEAVY MAKEUP...they usually stress on coloring the eyes, while some of them stress on coloring both the eyes and the lips....
such stuff can perfectly be applied on special occasions, rather than dailytime...as you can wear light makeup on everyday's activities...with light makeup, you don't stress on any figure, just apply the color that is perfectly matched with your skin, as i have shown you in some pictures in one of the below posts...
the source of the pictures:
Posted by lifeishope at 00:51 0 comments
Labels: fasion makeup show, makeup